Adam's the type of guy that likes going on long walks on the beach and long hikes up some pretty crazy mountains. Hailing from New York, Adam's style never disappoints. With every trick that $KUTZ does, you can tell he's having fun and has pure swaggggggger. Outside of yo-yoing, Adam is a mechanical engineer and enjoys taking spiffy film photos at yo-yo events and miscellanious party events.
Dennis is one of the coolest cats you will ever meet in the yo-yo community. His optimistic and friendly aspects make him a person that's always exciting to be around, and don't even get us started on this guy's yoyoing. For only playing for a few short years, Dennis has established an amazing style of awesome tricks. Can you pronounce Cinquegrani?
Joe is quite the familiar face around the nation due to his multiple state titles, 2 signature edition yo-yos, and the fact that he has traveled across the country spreading yoyo to the next generation by starting clubs and teaching students around the east coast how to yo-yo. When Joe isn't playing yo-yo or being the life of the party at contests, he enjoys to skate and make new clothing ideas and samples.